EFFECTIVE JULY 12, 2021; All merit badge counselors who are not officially approved by their council to counsel a badge will have that badge removed from their approved list of badges to counsel in Scoutbook. If a merit badge counselor is connected to a Scout to counsel an affected badge that connection will be removed. The only changes to Scouts would be to drop the merit badge counselor connection for the affected badges. Scoutbook will not remove any MB progress approved by the affected merit badge counselors. Merit Badge Counselors can check if the badge they are counseling in Scoutbook is approved by their council by going to My Dashboard, Administration, My Account, My Positions: their positions and if the badge has a blue checkmark it is approved; if the badge has a green checkmark it is NOT approved and you should contact your council to continue counseling that badge. https://discussions.scouting.org/…/removing…/241284
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